Slow Cook Lamb

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The flavor of the shoulder makes it one of the nicer cuts and is in fact more economical to buy than the leg. With a nice slow cook it turns out to be wonderfully tender combined with a nice array of root vegetables it should turn out to be a favorite.

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[x_feature_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″ ]Always nice, but particularly good on cold wet days. Warming you up![/x_feature_headline]

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Slow cook lamb

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Slow cook lamb

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Cre8ive life
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Ingredients – Slow cook lamb

2.25 kg quality shoulder of lamb, bone in
olive oil
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 whole bulb garlic, broken into cloves
1 handful fresh rosemary sprigs
2 red onions, peeled and quartered
3 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
1 large leek
1 handful ripe tomatoes, halved
1 handful fresh thyme sprigs

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1. Preheat your oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6. Rub the lamb with oil, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and put it into a roasting tray. Using a sharp knife, make small incisions all over the lamb and poke rosemary leaves and some quartered cloves of garlic into each one. This will give great flavour to the meat. Add the rest of the garlic cloves, the onions, carrots, leeks and fresh tomatoes to the tray, then tuck the remaining herbs under the meat.

2. Cover the tray tightly with a double layer of foil and put it into the oven. Turn down the oven temperature to 170ºC/325ºF/gas 3 and cook for 3½ to 4 hours, or until the lamb is soft, melting and sticky and you can pull it apart with a fork. Gently break up the meat, pull out the bones, and extract any herb stalks. Squeeze the garlic out of the skins and mush it in. Shred the lamb, check the seasoning and serve with some crispy roast potatoes.



Brysselkålssoppa är en enkel och god soppa som passar utmärkt i vintertider då kål är supernyttigt och det finns massor med olika kålsorter i affärerna till bra priser.

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ca 4 portioner

1 nät med brysselkål (ca 400-500g)
1 stor finhackad lök
1 krossad el finhackad vitlök
1,2-1,5 l kycklingbuljong
1 dl matlagningsgrädde
1 dl creme fraiche
1 tsk totkad timjan el franska örter
chilipeppar (habanero)
ev lite riven ost

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Stek löken i olja på låg värme och addera vitlöken & chilin när löken är nästan klar i en gryta.

Skala brysselkålen (om det behövs) och skär bort stammen. Dela brysselkålen i halvor el fyrkanter, spara några hela, och stek snabbt på lite högre värme än löken stekts i (kan stekas tillsammans).

Slå på buljongen och koka ca 10 min tills mjuka, ta ur de hela kålen och mixa grovt med stavmixer. Koka upp igen och rör ner grädde och creme fraiche, smaka av med salt & peppar och ev lite mer buljong.
